Corporate yoga
A great company is the one that gets the best from their people by assisting them in managing their stress levels and well-being issues. Many such companies now have Wellness Programs in place to cater for health and well-being of their employees.
Yoga is getting increasingly popular. It is not just an exercise.
Our corporate clients report that the relaxation of a regular yoga class noticeably increases productivity, reduces workplace tension and provides energy, focus and enthusiasm.
This, in turn, decreases absenteeism and sickness levels, and creates happier workplace.
Some of our corporate clients
- Newmont Mining
- Public Trustee
- Woodside Petroleum
- Shell Australia
- Shell Singapore
- BP Australia
- Budget
- University of WA
- Guildford Grammar School
- Healthy Kids WA
- Australian Sports Commission
- Department of Health
- Department of Housing and Works
- Westpac
- WA Police Dept
- Athletics Australia
- WA Entrepreneurs
- Rottnest Lodge
- Main Roads Dept
- Metropolitan Cemeteries Board
- St Marys, Karrinyup
- St Hildas, Mosman Pk
- Sacred Heart College
- Armadale High School
- Fremantle Hospital
- Bell and Associates
- Schools and Colleges
- Family & Children’s Services
- Hills Community Support Groups
- Brookleigh Equestrian Estate
- Osbourne Park Hospital
- WA Gov Corrective Services
Not convinced? Take this short yoga class right now and experience the difference!